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Nov 18, 2008

Personal Yahoo Connecting Singles
Let’s face it, the subject of picking up and singles, is as old as they come and has gotten pretty tired over the years. Something new has been needed to provide men with a way to dating girls they like, anywhere they encounter them – something that goes beyond telling guys to just smile and be themselves. Dating girls is really fun and enjoyable. Always try to find ideas and ways to visit sites that gives great information here now.
This is a great review of Yahoo! Personals. This web site talks about the features and benefits of Personal Yahoo Connecting Singles compared to other dating sites like, and

Your search results can be narrowed down to your city or state. Several people have commented on Yahoo! Personals ability to help them meet friends in new cities when they move. This is a great way to avoid the bar scene or blind dates at the coffee shop. You can exchange emails, video greetings, and instant messaging with another single. Your personality profile will include a video profile of yourself so other singles can check you out and let you know if they are interested. The privacy options of Yahoo! Personals allow you to set the boundaries as to how much personal information you would like to reveal. 
Yahoo! Personals has a 5 star safety program to ensure their singles they are protected. Since the singles are in charge of their profile, it is up to them to share their information with others. Most members share their last names, email address, and other contact information with other members. As a member, you also have the ability to make your personality profile private and block certain members from contacting you. Yahoo! Personals does periodic checks to ensure all the members are not violating the agreement. Anyone who is in violation of the agreement will lose access to their account and they will be permanently blocked from using Yahoo! Personals in the future. Yahoo! Personals also has a "report concern" section where you can report abuse from another member. Every complaint reported is personally reviewed by a member of the Yahoo! Personals Customer Care Team. Anyone who is in violation of the agreement will be deactivated by the Customer Care Team and removed from the system.

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